Sunday, 13 April 2014 18:41

Easter :-)

not the best photos.....but "down" near the rabbit is a little bit problem and rabbit "Béďa" did not cooperate....very funny…
Monday, 07 April 2014 06:00


... we celebrated her 13. Birthday without some visible problem.... now we had to let her go....... mother of 17…
Sunday, 16 March 2014 18:18

GENNY 13 !!!!

10.03.2014 GENNY z Ringuin great condition celebrated her 13 birthday !!!!! Congratulation Genny and we hope to more next years…
Saturday, 08 March 2014 17:21

News from March 2014

-new photo in gallery By Life - V.I.P. z Ringu and his bodyguards :-))) :-)- CINDERELLA z Ringu ( ORRY…